13 October 2008

More Picts!

I know a blog is for writing and a phlog is for pictures but...well, I like to do both. Not that I have to give anybody a reason why (but I'm going to anyway as you continue to read this) it's just that there are some people like RJ in the Philippines and my cousin Cathy in the States who would love to see pictures of ME!...nah...of Bangkok and other stuff besides me. I'm sure they miss BKK so much just like I will when I leave. So this will be one good place to refer to when missing home - BKK. Well, these pictures are of my usual day.

We have a coffe and tea station! Coffee anyone?

In the hallway, right in front of my morning class are the work of art my students did during art class last term. Beautiful isn't it? These kids can really draw and paint!

Out the hall and in another door is this room! It's a new room. I just noticed it yesterday and took a pic of it. I would've so loved this as a kid.

Mark got the orders for smoothies - life skills class.

Puff is getting the fruits and stuff ready to make the smoothies - life skills class.

ICT time every Monday and Friday at 12.45 to 1.35 That's Achis so intent on his PPT book making and Thep waving to the whole world shough "HI!"

Michael, Madi and Mark - ICT. They look bored but they're having fun! Haha...

This is the ICT work of the smaller kids using Paint. Their main topic this term is about the Olympics.

At the end of the day we can see our duty for the next day. That's me on the 3rd row at the very right. I'm on duty for lunch break. At the bottom are the afternoon class schedules for each day of the week so we know which student is supposed to be in which class.

4.00 PM - Jump on to the 71 bus and head home.

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