21 October 2008

Fight it!

Sometimes for me even in my happiest moments, some dark and negative thoughts still come into my mind. Being a pessimistic melancholic kinda explains it. Haha. Sometimes I really gotta fight the negativity. If I don't it'll overrule mylife and eat me up inside!

I really can be a worrier. I was supposed to go to bed but I just couldn't so now I'm up and writing this post. If I lay in bed all the negative thoughts just come in and I won't be able to sleep anyway. So I'm writing this post more for myself than anything.

I'm trying to find a concrete way to fight the negativity. Well, let's see, this negativity is worrying about my future. And to fight that in a concrete way I need dig up some "un" negative thoughts. So first unnegative thought is the quote something about ..what is it?...remembering what God has done for us in the past? Yeah something like that.

Well, Negativity, go away! Because God has seen me through so many things and this is no different. He's gotten me through all the things I've worried about like getting me through college, getting me through 4 interviews (I was even accepted in all), getting me through to teach in The Village, He's gotten me through this far of the wedding planning, I can still eat at Coffee Beans even though I'm broke! I can handle Pattaya class much better, he's gotten me through my internship at AIMS...

There. I'm feeling much better.

What was I worrying about again?


Unknown said...

I totally understand Lerie. It's good that you're able to push those negative thoughts out of your head. But when they come again (and they probably will), remember that it's normal to worry. Sometimes, the harder we try to get rid of the -ve thoughts, the more we actually focus on them...
And sometimes, worries are good because it makes us aware of where we are in life.
However, I find, like you, that the cure is always learning to turn to God and asking for the ability to see all His blessings... because when that happens, we start becoming grateful to Him, and thankfulness is the beginning of happiness! (aiyoh i'm quoting myself now hahahaha)....

So ride the wave, don't fight it too much... but after u ride the wave, move on, and stay happy. :)

If all else fails, u can always call me and i'll make u laugh... I promise! :p

RJ said...

aiyah, i feel that way too, the negative stuff just flows in..shimona's right, always turn to God!! take care and don't worry too much okay? mishoo!!

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