26 October 2008

Lugubrious News

Look up lugubrious to see what it means. Well, maybe you don't need to if you don't know what it means. After reading this post you'll understand.

Well, obviously we are approaching the end of the month. The end of the months comes salary =) and bills =(.

Okay, let me get to the point. The points is. My wedding is less than 2 months away and I have calculated the budget and lets just say we're on a very tight budget right now. You see Bayu and I have no sponsors for our wedding therefore we are coming up with the ka-chings ourselves.

This means that in the month of November, the last "full" month before the wedding, I'll only have enough for the Newsong retreat and after that its save, Save, SAve, SAVe, SAVE. I'm sorry you all but this means not eating out in glorious places such as Sugaroma or Coffe Beans, or Sunrise Tacos. It also means no shopping (for myself but yes for wedding stuff) or spur-of-the moment outings.

Sorry to you, sorry to me but that's what its going to have to be like. Please help me okay!

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

I think we can still have fun without spending money luxuriously right? Right?! Hehe just trying to comfort myself.

I know God will provide but of course I gotta help Him too right? Teamwork.

Thanks you guys 'n girls.

1 comment:

RJ said...

Halu my ever so beautiful ate lerie! (:

lʊˈgubriəs, -ˈgyu- [loo-goo-bree-uhs, -gyoo-]

mournful, dismal, or gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner: lugubrious songs of lost love.

1595–1605; < L lūgubri(s) mournful (akin to lūgēre to mourn) + -ous
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Hmm. I bet that's sad, it indeed is lugubrious news. I mean no sunrise tacos, coffee beans, or sugaroma? :( I feel for you. But it's for the best! (: Just remember that you will get LOTS of wedding presents,(from, including me, I am teaching piano here so i have the kachings to get you and kuya bayu a decent present, yay! for once i don't have to ask mom for money to buy something lol) so it will be okay and anyway you're going to have lots of food glorious food on your wedding! miss you and labju too! i'm praying for you. (:

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