12 October 2008

Books and a Cake

I was really looking forward to going to the bookstore and I wasn't disappointed!
I got 8 books (for 380 Baht only!). 1 for Mom, 1 for Haze, 2 for Bayu, 1 for Schubert and the rest for me!

1. The Pilot's Wife
2. Sparkle Card Kit
3. I can draw people
4. Prayer: Language of the Soul
5. Children's Letters to God
6. Things to Make and Do
7. More Games and Giggles
8. Franklin in the Dark

Here's an excerpt from Children's Letters to God -

Dear God, I know all about where babies come from. I think. From inside mommies and daddies put them there. Where are they before that? Do you have them in heaven? How do they get down here? Do you have to take care of them all first. Please answer all my questions. I always think of you. Yours truly, Susan

Anyways, after that I had some carrot cake!

It's been a great weekend...God, family, friends, books, food... I had fun while it lasted =) Hello new week!

Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
-Celtic Benediction

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