20 November 2008

On the Other Side

I've been a student for...hmmm...16 years. I'm so used to being the one sitting with the rest of the crowd at a table being told what to do. Now...I am in the same room but on a different side. I'm on the white board side. Yes, it's true as a teacher I'm still in a classroom but this time I'm the one up front and telling people what to do...well, not dictating them...helping them. Being their "facilitator" is the word I learned in college. I mean sure it's great. I'm the one giving out tests, projects and assignments. But as a new teacher I'm still learning to do things without people telling me what to do like when I was a student. The part, for me, that is really different is that I "have" to be on time. No being tardy or just sleeping in because you're lazy...and mostly not being able to sneak a nap during class time. I mean imagine a teacher laying her head on the table and just sleeping. No. Not for even a second! Hehehe...oh gosh I'm so sleepy now. I better go home...but when I go home I have to do reports on my kids....hey! As a teacher I still do reports...it's not just me giving the kids somesthing to do...yeah it's just that not being able to sleep or skip a class part..


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