06 November 2008

My Dear Students

Sometimes people might get the idea that teaching children with special needs is boring because most of them need routine and everything is the same everyday. It's just the total opposite. Something different happens everyday. They are wonderful human beings to be around and to get to know. To me they are just like anybody else except that to the world they are labled as "special". Well, it's hard to explain unless you get to meet and spend time with these kids. I'm so happy to be able to connect and begin to understand this part of the world that not many people know about.

Anyways, I just want to share a few things about some of my students.

J is having his GED exams on November 19 Mollel and I have been trying our best to help him. He is doing his final exam on mathematics.

A., he loooooooves music. So on mornings that I am on duty to watch the kids I lend him my phone and let him listen to the music. At first he just nods his head to the song, then he snaps his finger and taps his feet, then he gets up and starts bobbing around...finally I tell him to just go to the court and walk around to the music. He loves music so much he can't stay still or stop smiling while he's listening to it. It's so fun to watch him. He doesn't know how my phone works and he asks me "Where is the volume?" You can hardly get a word out of him without talking to him first or sentences that are not rehearsed but here he asked that on his own accord.

Today, I wore a Karen shirt from on o fmy friends at MC. Then E comes up to me points at my shirt and says "nice,nice". She also hardly starts a conversation or doesn't seem to notice these kinds of things and out of the blue she comes up to me and says that. It was such a great start for the day.

Yes, just a bit about a few of my students. I wish I could tell you every funny thing that happens but it isn't the same if you don't experience it first hand. So come and visit The Village! Hahaha.


Unknown said...

So good......

Kengot said...
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Kengot said...

Sawadee kap.

I love Bangkok also.
I've gone to there a couple of times.
Check my blog about Tokyo city life.

Kop kun kap.


Sendy Monarrez said...

Today, in one of my education classes, we were talking about the special education program that the mexican government has, and suddenly I thought about you and the school you are working at. In contrast to what some classmates were saying, I read your post and I see how excited and how much you like your job!

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