09 December 2008


I've been talking since forever about the Christmas production. It's finally going to happen today in just a few hours. We had our final, full, run through, dress rehearsal and now the kids are on their way home. Yep, we have half day of school today, holiday tomorrow, and then half day on Friday. Practice went well and I'm really happy about that. Me being backstage wasn't so hectic as the past few times. I'm saying bye to one of my students today because he's leaving early for his break. Some of the kids know I'm leaving while others don't understand when I tell them I'm leaving. They're so sweet. I know in their own way they'll still remember me as I'll always remember and miss them.

Even though I'll be busy, I'm still looking forward to the program. All classes will be performing something and after that there'll be food and then raffle draw! There are so many cool prizes. Basically the parents sponsor, donate, give stuff that will be prizes for the raffle draw. I think the raffle draw is for 2 in Sofitel. One of my students dad is th manager or owner or something. Ooohhh..I do hope I get something! I bought 100 baht worth of tickets = 5 tickets. The last raffle draw I ever joined was at MC and I got a broom! Heheh....

I'll also get to meet my students friends, families, parets, siblings. The hand christmas true is fully decorated the mango trees are adorned with light. The stage is done....we're ready!

Okay the kids (whose homes are too far and will be staying for the rest of the afternoon until the program) are here in the ICT room. We're gonna watch Open Season 2.

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