17 December 2008

Miss Lerie

Ray: Where are the dictionaries?
Miss Lerie: IN the shelf.
Ray: Isn't it ON the shelf?
Shivam: No, that's not right.
Miss Lerie: I'm not sure either.
Shivam: It's AT the shelf.
(Krik Krik)


Miss Lerie: A, say something.
A: Something

Miss Lerie: Are your parents here?
A: Yes.
Miss Lerie: Where are they?
A: (Points to the crowd)
Miss Lerie: What are they wearing?
A: Clothes

Miss Lerie: A, I'm leaving to Singapore. I won't come back.
A: (Looks confused)
Miss Lerie: I won't teach here anymore.
A: So, Miss Lerie will be the old teacher.
Miss Lerie:.....that's right.

Miss Lerie: I'm going to be staying in Singapore.
A: How long will you be in Singapore?
Miss Lerie: Forever.
A: (Very had very real laughter) HAHAHAHHAHAAH.

Kids with ASD take things very literally. Their innocence, purity and honesty is so amazing. I never cease to learn from them and they are so fun to be with.


G to T: You wanna fight?? I'll see you after 7Eleven closes.


Miss Lerie: This is my first and last Christmas Production with you guys.
T: Don't worry Miss Lerie. We'll make you proud.

...And they did.

1 comment:

OnZ'Q said...

NOW I can see why you're enjoying teaching there! :))

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