12 October 2010

A Puretty Long Way

Well, I've been thinking about my life and where it has led me so far.

This December I'll be 2 years in Singapore.

I can still remember clearly that day when I had to leave Thailand and move to Singapore.  When it suddenly hit me that I would be leaving the people/family I love and the only country and home I know.

It was such a painful feeling that I believe it's only by God's providence that I've been able to cope and move on with my new life here.

I believe I was clinically depressed didn't know when or how I would come out of it.  I guess I can say it takes almost 2 years to come out of it =)

I can't say life is suddenly wonderful and I'm really HAPPY...in fact I've never been so stressed or tired so far in my life!....and not to mention deprived of social life/friends...BUT I guess I've learnt to get used to it and accept where I am in life and look for and enjoy the good things that do come my way.

I could look at all the negative things around me/happening to me but what good would that do me?

As my parents said "Life changes".  Looking at their lives it is so true!

So I aim to be content of my present situation, grateful for my past and hopeful of the future because I have a God who has been with me, is with me and will always be with me.

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