27 January 2009

After the Happily-Ever-After Moment

It's so true when the old folks say that a wedding is not the end (like the end of the movies) but the beginning.

Hey, married life is great! You should try it (haha) when you feel it's your time.

Of course there is the "reality" side to it all and that's what this post is about.

Most couples, after getting married, have to deal with getting used to being newly married. That's 1 important aspect. You don't only think about yourself, you share and make decisions together, you live together, you are your own (new) family, etc., etc.

For me I have to get used to that plus #2 I also have to get used to a new country, a new culture, a new job, a new house, new food, new places, new malls, new routes to remember, etc., etc.

Then, #3, I'm also new at being a P.W. (Pastor's Wife). I don't want to be labeled as that, but that is one thing I can't escape and even though I don't want to be seen as just the P.W. that's how others who don't know me before I was a P.W. see me. Their all telling me that P.W.s gotts do this and do that. *phew*... I promised myself though that even if I have a new label I will not lose my identity. This is actually the most "New" difficult aspect I have to adjust with.

Being a P.W. is practically another "new" job, it's a new phase, and it's like another culture for me. I'm actually going through P.W. culture shock! I wonder if I'm the first person to ever come up with this term. Kool eh? Haha.

Why do I find this a "culture shock"? Well, here's a short list...

  • I'm all of a sudden scrutinized (people are telling I'm dressing appropriately for a P.W.).
  • I'm expected to know how to sing and play the piano and teach.
  • I'm suddenly known to the whole church! I was introduced on stage!
  • So many people come and greet me. I mean growing up in BIC nobody cares to know who I am!
  • I need to stay for potlucks every Saturday and contribute a dish as well (that was something my mom , ahem, older people were in charge of doing!).
  • I'm asked to teach the Junior Class, Primary Class, and the Cradle Roll.
  • I'm suddenly friends with the young and old.
  • Since there are many activities after potluck I stay in church until evening..sometimes until night.
  • I need to wake up eaaarrrrllllyyyy to get to church on time.
  • I need to sit near the front rows during main service as opposed to me sitting near the back my whole life.
  • I'm suddenly asked join all sorts of afternoon activites.
  • I'm joining cell groups in the middle of the week! (miracle!)

To be more specific...
  • I've been joining a Wednesday night Cell group.
  • I will be joining and being one of the leaders for the Youth cell group on Wednesdays and Fridays.
  • I go on visitations with Bayu on random days of the week.
  • First Sabbath of February I'm telling the Children's story.
  • For the month of February I will teaching the Junior Class.
  • On the month of April I'm booked to teach the Cradle Roll Class.
  • I'm going to be one of the leaders for Adventurer starting this February.
  • I am one of the leaders of the youth AY.
  • I assist Bayu on his duty for the Pathfinder, Adventurer, Filipino and Young Adult Ministry.
  • I join the youth choir.

If and when I have my own job that's like working 6 out of 7 days a week!

Haha. Okay don't get me wrong. I'm NOT complaining. I'm NOT unhappy. It is just a big change in my "spiritual" activities compared to my dormant one I've had practically my whole life. My dad has always been pushing my sister and I to be more "active" in church. Who would've thought it would happen when I'm already married! Muahahaha...life and where it takes you.

1 comment:

Khanh Hoang said...

"Hey, married life is great! You should try it (haha) when you feel it's your time." I'll try some times lolz

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