01 February 2011

God First

Well,  we had testimonies in place of a sermon last Sabbath and I was really moved/touched by all the testimonies given.  God is a good God and I'm so glad I know him and that he loves me.

There is a verse I came across and just want to share.  It's found in Nehemiah 9:17b --- But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.

I don't have a good memory or the brains to keep information long term (only God knows) but I do believe it is important to remember his word not just for ourselves but the impact it can have on others when we share it with them.  I do envy those who can remember verses from memory without any struggle but that won't stop me from trying.  After all words of encouragement from me (a human) has not real meaning or foundation compared to God's word.

Actually lately, I've been out of touch with God and I don't want to be and sometimes I actually choose to wallow in self pity instead of spending time with him.  I actually neglected the Bible and praying for a while after all...what does he care??  But I know he cares and thick faced me knows that he will greet me with open arms when I decide to go back to him again. Who else and where else can I turn to if no to him?

I've been wanting/wanting- to- do many things lately until I realised I'll never get anything or anywhere like this.  For example, how can I "discipline" myself to have a healthier life style (aka exercise) if I can't even "discipline" myself to spend quality time with my God?  How shameful of me to only take out my Bible when I'm waiting for the bus or the train or in-between classes.  Like he's not important enough and I just spend time with him only when I have the "spare time" wow...how insulted he must be.

I'm not making any promises (i'm so bad at keeping-in-touch promises) but I will try to put God first and as a priority in my life.  After all, I can't accomplish anything else without him I know that. God first and everything else will fall into place...or make sense...that's how I see it...if not well, I don't want anything else as above him =)

Hehehe...yeah now and then you'll get a "philosophical" post from me...like once a year or every other year...

1 comment:

RJ said...

You inspire me. :)

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