08 May 2009

Kids, Kids, Kids

As some of you might not have heard there was an evangelistic meeting/series call Discoveries '09 held in Singapore and led by Pastor Mark Finley. Some say he's the "Michael Jackson" to SDA's..hihi. It was from April 24-May3.

Well, I didn't get to hear his talk once during the 10 night meetings. Why? Because I was in charge of the Children's Ministry 5-7 year old kids section. I had to plan all sorts of entertaining things to keep these kids occupied for 2 hours every night for 10 nights!

As you can see...I survived. Thank God I had help. I was able to take pictures of ONE activity we did. At the end of it all I can say I had fun. Haha. The first few nights we had around 25 kids. Then during the week we had around 15 kids. Then there was this one night where we had 35 kids!!! I don't even wanna talk about that night. Sure the more the merrier but also the scarier and crazier. Haha.

Here are some pictures at the end of the program when they finished they arts and craft. It was a paper plate flower hat! Check out the adorable kids in their hats!

One of the nights with fewer kids...

Kids! Call me Teacher Lerie or Jeje Lerie...not Auntie Lerie...Please...

Hehe...Thank you Auntie Doca for your help.

Even the boys loved their hats! See isn't this age wonderful?
They don't care about looking "girlie"


Hazel said...

wow! great job sister!!!

Sendy Monarrez said...

tell me about having 35 7-year-old kids!! that's crazy! hehehe
I'm a teacher at an english sabbath school here (7 and 8 year olds) and our average is 40 kids every sabbath. I tell you, that gets crazy sometimes lol but I love it when they sing so loud that everybody at the hall outsied the classroom can hear them ;)

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