07 March 2011

To my big sister Hazel

It is my beautiful sister's birthday today!
Dear Hazel,

I love you and I cherish every single memory I have with you.  You are my best friend and you are very precious to me.  You I can find comfort in you.  You are sweet and kind and I look up to you!  When I get to heaven I would like to ask God to rewind our days together because I would like to see it again! haha.  Remember when we had chicken pox and stayed home from school together?  Remember looking out through the window and pretending to be taking our nap when mom arrives?  How about sneaking down (or was it upstairs) to watch tv on a Friday night?!  Screeching for the football teams we were cheering for?  Dreaming about our future before going to sleep.  All the laughter and the tears.  Thanks for looking out for me even though I must have been an annoying little sister.  I love you! You are my friend and sister!  So many memories....I thank God for all of them and looking forward to much more..

I miss you =) Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

Hazel said...

Sisterrrr! Thank you for dedicating one blog post just for meeee! Hahaha! I love you so much! I would defintely like that--to ask God to rewind our yesteryears together!

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