01 December 2008

That Loud Sound Last Night

Once in a while the transformer (those containers hanging on the telephone post with all the electrical wires) in the soi I live in would have some sort of short circuit and explode. If you are there to see it it either catches fire or has lots of sparks then goes away. The electricity around that area (including my house) will also go off. It happens quite often and becomes pretty normal. It usually happens during the day or evening though.

But last night, around 3 am I heard a loud bang or explosion. I practically jumped out of my skin. I thought it was another transformer explosion. But there was something different about the sound. I never usually feel scared of that sound. I thought it was just because it was so early in the morning and with all the unrest in Bangkok it just made me a little uneasy and jumpy. I also couldn't confirm if it really was the transformer because the fan in my room was off anyway so I couldn't tel if the electricity went out. I lay there with my eyes wide open waiting to hear screams or sirens or some commotion but there was nothing. So I lulled myself to sleep by repeating over and over that it was just the transformer.

While I was lying awake I was thinking of what it must be like to be in a real "war" situation or "terrorist" situation and I was like "I would be freaked out I'd probably faint and die!" So I was thankful I didn't hear sirens or any commotion and went to sleep.

This morning I was chatting with Hazel on gmail. She was telling me that the people in the office are all talking about the explosion last night. What was it? It was a grenade in one of the apartments in the soi next to the soi I live in. Mr. Edgar who lives in Unitech apartment and near where the grenade went off said that the whole building shook.

I was really freaked out when I heard that news. It was like the closest I've come to my nightmare and I didn't even know it! From what I know though it doesn't have to do with the whole PAD or whatever.

But still...Welcome to Thailand...a grenade goes off and it's not even on the news. Just another topic to talk about. Haha..But what's new..I mean those transformers exploding regularly is nothing new either!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg! That's scary! I don't think I would've been able to go back to sleep. And if I did go back to sleep, I'd have all sorts of nightmares about exploding stuff. lol
I think the situation there is gonna get better. No worries. More memories. It's in God's hands.

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