21 November 2008

In a Women's Shoe

I did a hair makeover today. Well, more like a hair do over. I permed and colored my hair, oh and trimmed it a bit too. I colored it as natural as possible. This is just one of my to do lists for wedding preparation.

As the lady was rolling the rolls onto my hair we were both watching the news and this was one of their news...a bra for men is gaining popularity in Japan. In fact take a look at this add...Seriously, the news even showed a guy wearing it and the lady who came up with this brilliant idea. Her reason to invent this Men's Premium Brassiere? So that men can be in touch with their femenine side and also be able to have a sense of what women have to go through. Heh.

Anyway, It took 5 hours for my whole hair process in that shop. Washing, cutting, rolling, waiting, steaming, waiting, washing, coloring, washing, blowdrying...

Why don't men try doing that instead of wearing a bra??


Goff said...

Hmm... man-bras. Disturbing, not sexy in the least. They should just stick to 'doing their hair'.

Bayu said...

Haha, another reason why i like to cut my hair short or to be bald. So you wont complain bout this!!!!!
Love you!

RJ said...

hahahahaha!! ......... awkward and scary..

OnZ'Q said...

What on earth????
Does it serve any other purpose than feminine touches?

Megan. said...

Oh my...tsktsktsk..so sa-ke-ry.
thats right..why dont they try doing all the hair thingies..:D..tsktsk.

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