15 September 2011

Our Pattay Trip Agenda

As you probably know from my facebook album I got back last week from Pattaya.  The Singapore SDA Conference (AKA the pastors and their families) went on a retreat to Pattaya.  At first I was kinda sceptical about a retreat to Pattaya.  But the resort was really nice and we all had a good time!  Quality time with Bayu and bonding time with the other Pastor families.  You can see the rest of the pictures here.

I just wanted to record my wonderful moments and memories of last week onto this blog :)  The pictures portray a portion of our agenda while we were there.

So happy to be leaving!

We were able to meet dad at the airport.

We stopped by at lotus and had MK.
Then bought durian which we ate while in the warm jacuzzi.

Went for morning runs.

Swam at the beach.

Ate local food.


Special dinner :D

Swim Swim Swim

Bonding time.

Enjoying the scenery of the resort.

Posing for pictures.

cha-yen and we bought 3 packets of som-tum to eat back in SG

Got to reunite with my family at the airport on the way back. <3

Mai yak klub ban hehehhe

-<3 <3 <3

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